Grab the chance

The new Test Pro Affiliate Program has landed

Earn ongoing monthly income by joining our free affiliate program
 Once you register to the program you can immediately create your affiliate links, see all the commissions you have earned, which payment method will be used for you to receive your commissions, which customers you have referred and much more! 

Let’s take a look at the affiliate features in more detail: 

  1: The Dashboard 

You can access all necessary information from the “Dashboard” page. From there, you can get a quick overview of the program and your earnings from it. 
  2: Affiliate links
From the “Affiliate links” section, you can immediately create and copy the necessary links for your promotions. Let’s explain each of the options here:

Your affiliate link
From the “Your affiliate link” you can create the affiliate link for the school’s landing page to use in your promotions and optionally enter a coupon code. Ask the school owner for a coupon code so you can provide your audience with a discount.

Create affiliate link with coupon

From the “Create affiliate link with coupon” you can automatically apply a coupon to the affiliate link.

Generate affiliate link to specific page
From this option, you can generate a link to any of the school’s pages by entering a URL.